Religion / Theology

February 21, 2020

Week Four Discussion

In Dr. Gaines lecture Christology and Christological Heresies he asks, How do you see the Christological heresies still working today? How are they still shaping our […]
February 19, 2020

Church and State

(150 words each) -Why does Locke argue that the magistrate should not support any particular church but, instead, tolerate all traditions? (Note: Locke provides a number […]
February 19, 2020

Week 4 Devotion

Scripture: Psalm 22: 1-31 Reflection:What images or phrases stand out to you in this passage?What do you think it means that Jesus quoted this psalm from […]
February 19, 2020

Week Three Confession

In the mode of Augustines Confessions, write an approximately 250-word prayer of confession honestly acknowledging the way this weeks learning has shaped and formed your understanding […]