
December 9, 2020

For this chapter’s homework, compose a three paragraph long essay in which you defend one of the following three theories against its competitors: Virtue Ethics, Deontology, or Utilitarianism. Paragraph one: briefly summarize the theory you chose, and g

For this chapter’s homework, compose a three paragraph long essay in which you defend one of the following three theories against its competitors: Virtue Ethics, Deontology, […]
December 8, 2020


Explain and evaluate Kierkegaards view that only subjective thinking can know the truth about God, and Tillichs view that God cannot be proved but only experienced […]
December 8, 2020

Schools of Buddhism

Select a philosopher or school of philosophyAPPROXIMATELY 1 page: Summarize the contribution of this philosopher and the importance to the study of philosophyAPPROXIMATELY 1 page: Discuss […]
December 8, 2020

Business Ethics

Philosophical Ethical Theories: Use Utilitarianism as the main Ethical theory Environmental Ethical Theories:You can use these theories how you please, doesn’t need to be all of […]