Mathematics and Statistics

October 25, 2020


Each student must complete all six problems in the Module 7 Group Discussion QuestionsProblem Set (DOC).Preview the document For each problem, show all steps and provide […]
October 25, 2020

apply descriptive statistics, probability calculations, normal distribution calculations, hypothesis testing, regression, and forecasting to current events.

Research an article on a current event that centers on a controversial issue where the two sides are claiming opposing views. Then, describe how you would […]
October 24, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

What experience do you have with hypothesis testing? This can be as simple as you were given an amount of money and had to explain different […]
October 24, 2020

Data Analysis

GB513-4: Evaluate real-world situations and present solutions using statistical methods. PC-6.1: Incorporate data, inferences, and reasoning to solve problems. This assignment has two parts. Part 1 […]