
July 8, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The United States played a large role in World War I, World War II, and the Vietnam War. Those wars changed American society and culture in […]
July 7, 2020

Rise of the West

discuss how this rise of the west has impacted the world in various ways (politics, economy, science and technology, society and culture). The duration of the […]
July 7, 2020


Final Exam Question: How were the civil rights of African Americans limited in American society before the emergence of the Civil Rights Movement? What key organizations […]
July 7, 2020

a 28th amendment to the constitution about towns having a noise ordinance

The 28th Amendment Background:We all know the process to becoming a ratified amendment. You need 2/3 of the senate and house to vote yes, then you […]