
August 26, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

There’s an apocryphal (it’s a good word – look it up if you don’t know it) saying that goes something like “There were no atheists in […]
August 26, 2020

Mughal, India, a unique mark in the garden design world

Entry garden of the Taj Mahal Mughal garden style is unique in its command of water.  Before their European counterparts could build the famed and lavish […]
August 26, 2020

Symbolism in the Garden

Medieval times; Several flowers, patterns and colors were used in Medieval gardens symbolically.  For instance, the color, red, was symbolic of the blood of the Christ […]
August 26, 2020

How did colonization impact land and labor distribution in Mexico and Peru, versus for example, Brazil and Cuba? How did this demographic distribution affect culture, language, religion in different parts of the Americas?

How did colonization impact land and labor distribution in Mexico and Peru, versus for example, Brazil and Cuba? How did this demographic distribution affect culture, language, […]