
September 3, 2020

M6 Writing Prompt – Final Term Paper

You will be writing an essay that is a minimum of 750 words. It will count as your Final Test Grade. Please remember, this MUST be […]
September 3, 2020

M5 Discussion – What to Write about?

Below, please facilitate classroom discussion by answering the following prompt in 3-4 sentences, be sure to support why or why not you agree or disagree with […]
September 3, 2020

Writer choice please only select on

These are not research papers. You should not need to consult any outside sources. In additionto gauging your retention and comprehension of material, the purpose of […]
September 3, 2020

For this assignment, youll write a prcis on the required readings (book and articles) used in this course. A prcis is a summary and critical evaluation of scholarly works (In this case a book and at minimum three articles (choose from those we read in

n what parts of the scholarly works (if any) did the author make claims that were not supported by the evidence? Were there any flaws in […]