
October 25, 2020

Age of European Exploration and Conquest.

This essay assignment will require you to compare and contrast the four major European nations that engaged in exploration and colonization during the 15th and 16th […]
October 25, 2020

Has the world grown more together or more apart?

PROFESSORS WORDS (I attached the pdf of this): Using the historical evidence presented in both lectures and readings (including primarysources), answer the following question in 4 […]
October 25, 2020

Histroy of labor and work

The 1920s, 1930s, 1940s were pivotal decades for workers and their unions in the United States.  At the height of the economy of the Roaring Twenties, […]
October 25, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

a written account of your reflections on the readings and lectures. The most effective approach is to treat Unit Reflections like a mini-essay, with a thesis […]