
March 4, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The history of voter disenfranchisement in the U.S. is well documented. To say that all has been resolved would be inaccurate.  During various election cycles, there […]
February 29, 2020

Response To Kramer D2W7

  One of the key obstacles to implementing change at the PG County Animal Service Facility PGCASF is the lack of resources.  Currently, the budget doesn’t […]
February 29, 2020

Public Policy Paper

Using the public policy that you chose in Topic 1 and outlined in Topic 4, create a paper to discuss the following criteria applying the six […]
February 29, 2020

Voters responsibility

Write a 2 page essay discussing whether and how (a) The act of voting is the personal responsibility and (b) Citizens have a social responsibility to […]