
January 27, 2021

Air Pollution in European Union Countries (Chemical Engineering)

The report must at least have: 1- 6 to 8 sources. 2- at least 1750 words. 3- Must follow one of the three formats: one-sided Argument, […]
January 13, 2021

Any topic (writer’s choice)

I’m applying for Virginia tech as a graduate student, my major is architecture, and they asked me to write a two-page paper. Why do you want […]
December 19, 2020

Science and Technology

For your final essay, I want you to write a historically-based, persuasive paper on the topic: “What should American science and technology policy look like in […]
December 18, 2020

Statement of Purpose

I am applying to some prestigious master’s programs in the US, and I hope you could revise or rewrite my average personal statement into a paper […]