Business and Management

February 9, 2020

Supply chain management.

Examine supply chain management and global supply chain concepts supportive of operations management efforts.PC-3.2: Interact with others in a professional manner using appropriate communication and presentation […]
February 9, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This week in class we reviewed how companies track and visuals key metrics and KPIs. For projects in which metrics can be measured in an automated […]
February 9, 2020

– Identify one extraordinary leader who transformed a company, an industry, or a culture. Give detailed example of what she or he did.

Typed, double-spaced, 1 inch left, right, top, and bottom margins, and size 12 font 3.    Citation from the academic journals not older than 5 years […]
February 9, 2020


Write a persuasive essay that examines the situations in which a small group/team would be the bestchoice for solving a problem in an organization. In what […]
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