Capsim simulation a strategic roadmap

    This research paper, or audit, will serve as a strategic roadmap for the Capsim simulation. (Capsim is a simulation that challenges students to run a company by making cross-functional and strategic decisions). Your team will utilize the same strategy implemented by your selected organization. The roadmap will inform your decisions around over round within each functional area with a focus on integration.

    Format: APA format, 12 font, double spaced

    Identify an organization focused on Operations or Supply Chain Management. Your selection will be based on the listed 6 basic strategies captured on the slide (attached called Strat) The organization selected must utilize one or more of the strategies listed (at least 2 or more). Your team will audit the organization utilizing the following framework is Focused on
    Research and Development (R&D)
    Explanation of innovative activities explored by the organization to develop new services/products or means of improving existing services or products.

    I have provided some frameworks to work with that might be helpful.

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