Brumadinho Dam collapse

    a.    A minimum 750 word discussion of what failed, and the primary causes. Considering any psychological contributions to the causes of failure, as well as any issues related to operations and maintenance. If “normalization of deviance” played a role, explain that as well. Was complexity a factor? Are there historical factors which may have contributed to this failure?

    b.    A brief analysis of how the factors noted in our risk equation played a role in raising the risk of this failure occurring — unless it was truly a “black swan” event — if so, explain why (at least 300 words)

    c.    Explain the broader implications of this failure — societal, environmental, economic, etc. Discuss any legal issues as well — is there any sort of government, regulatory or legal follow-up which might help to reduce the likelihood of future failure of this type. (at least 350 words — include any references!!)

    d.    Are there ethical issues involved?  Refer to an engineering code of ethics, and also consider the values expressed in the design, deployment or use and maintenance of this technology/system.  There is a chapter on Value Sensitive Design in the Documents folder which might help! (at least 200 words).

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