Banning Internet Censorship

    This Speech is about how legislating the Earn It Bill is a threat to our democracy. The Earn It Bill is designed to allow the goverment to scan private messages and all user content on social media. If they see something they don’t like, it will be taken down and depending on how grave the post/message is, you can also get arrested. I will copy the link below for more info:

    The Speech MUST be organized like the following:
    Attention Getter (quote, statistics)
    Listener Relevance (why it is important and why we should care)
    Speaker Credibility
    Begin Discussing Topic (giving information)
    Transition to Evidence to Support Value or Policy You are requesting audience to change #1 (statistics)
    Transition to Evidence to support Value or Policy You are requesting audience to change #2 (statistics)
    Opposing Viewpoint
    Rebuttal to Opposing Viewpoint
    Review/In Summary
    Call to Action or Call to Change Value


    Thank you in advance

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