Article Review:Carr, E. G., & Durand, V. M., (1985)

    Subject Psychology

    Topic     Article Review:Carr, E. G., & Durand, V. M., (1985)

    Type      Essay

    Level     University

    Style      APA

    Sources                3

    Language             English(U.S.)


    Attached you will find the criteria used to evaluate single subject research design employed by the National Autism Center. Use the criteria for the Scientific Merit Rating Scale (pages 22-29 in document — not .pdf pages) to conduct a critical review of the recommended readings for this week. You should provide the score you assigned and explain why you the article deserves each score from the SMRS. Do not use the group design criteria for a single subject research design study! Please pay very close attention to the design of the study and make sure you are using the appropriate criterion for the single-subject design. Make sure you read everything including any footnotes! The rubric that will guide your instructor’s comments is also attached. Email ***

    Spacing Double

    Pages    3



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