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    1. Share a professional experience illustrating the benefits enjoyed by the institution as well as the students when stakeholders meet learning accountability demands. Also try in my professional of non-commissioned officer In the army

    2. Provide additional implications associated with an institutions inability or unwillingness to meet societys accountability demands for student learning.

    3. Note a similarity or difference to your posting. My post send it drop box

    In file I want you use this reference

    What are colleges and universities being asked to do to meet accountability demands?
    Transparency has been stated several times regarding accountability demands; higher education institutions are being asked to be more transparent in reporting the comprehensive measure of student progress and completion. Stakeholders such as, policy makers, employers. teachers, parents, and students are questioning the quality of learning in higher education because as society develops, the demand for new higher knowledge, new learning goals and a new intellectual skill set is in demand as well (Frank Newman, 2004). Although many degree program courses are aligned with what students will need to be successful in their career, stakeholders question if completing these courses are enough and if so, is the curriculum that is being taught being learned? Are students learning what they need to be successful in their career and do they know how and when to use it? Also, aside from the degree program courses, are students learning other civil skills all needed to solve problems and expand in the working field and in society (Frank Newman, 2004)? As a result, universities are also being asked to redesign the traditional academic setting into a learner centered institution to maximize the quality of learning, benefitting both advantage and least advantage students (Frank Newman, 2004). Together, transparency and a Learning Centered climate can help accountability demands in higher education.

    What are the potential benefits to institutions and their stakeholders who strive to meet these demands? What difficulties are they likely to encounter?
    Higher Education influences a persons life and society a great deal and because of this it is important that there is trust between higher education and the stakeholders. Transparency builds the trust between higher education and stakeholders. President of Whittenburg University, Laurie Joyner, believes there are several ways in which Transparency can be beneficial such as in facilitating data driven decisions, support for continuous improvement, help with fostering an accountability culture throughout the institution, institutional planning and budgeting, curriculum objectives, academic integrity, academic freedom and the evaluation and promotion of faculty and staff (Lynch, 2014). With continuous improvement and curriculum objectives this can help higher education institutions redesign their culture to be learner centered. Learner Centered institutions create college environment where students select to persist in their studies and prosper intellectually, furthering themselves, higher education, future students and society (Frank Newman, 2004).
    A disadvantage of being transparent is the scrutiny from students, educational and political leaders, faculty, staff and students. This may also lead to more competition between higher education institutions. As for learner centers institutions, majority of all faculty and staff are not experienced in the learner centered climate, so it may take a great amount of time and many trainings for faculty and staff to learn and execute this approach.

    What is likely to happen if institutions are unable or unwilling to meet these demands?
    If unable or unwilling to meet these demands, students, policy makers, and the public are lacking the information needed to improve degree programs, learning strategies, assessment techniques and more, all essential in planning for college success. Overall, with transparency it encourages trust and with trust comes more communication, collaboration, and effective plans of action in advancing higher education institutions and resolving other higher education issues (Lynch, 2014).


    Frank Newman, L. C. (2004). Chapter 8: Who is Resposible of Student Learning? In L. C. Frank Newman, The Future of Higher Education (pp. 135-153). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

    Lynch, M. (2014, July 14). Diverse Conversations: The Importance of Transparency in Governance. Retrieved from Diverse Education:

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