Any topic (writer’s choice)

    Paper 1:  The Travels of aTShirt in the Global Economy
    TheTravels of aTShirt in the Global Economy: An Economist Examines the Markets, Power, and Politics of World Trade (Pietra Rivoli)

    DIRECTIONS:  Answer questions 5.  These are worth 20 points each.
    1.    Be sure to preface the answer with the question, so I know what questions you are covering. 
    2.    Each answer should be approximately 2 paragraphs in length (or about 250-500 words). 
    3.    Provide at least one APA in-text citation for each answer (citing the book). 
    4.    Be sure to cover all components of the questions. 

        Points will be awarded on thoroughness in response and connection to International Business topics.
        Avoiding deductions for spelling, grammar, sentence structure:  Use spell check in Microsoft Word and consider using Tutoring services if report writing is somewhat challenging for you.
        Fonts, spacing, margins:  12 pt. font, any font that is appropriate for business writing is acceptable, no preference for spacing (single or double), standard 1 margins requested.
        Be very careful NOT to cut and copy content from the internet or book without quotations around the content and providing an in-text citation and work cited page (plagiarism).  When citing from another source, or the book, be sure your content is in quotations with a reference to the resource (APA).  If plagiarism is present, the paper will earn the score of zero, regardless of intent to plagiarize or not.  This is an individual assignment.  While discussion is encouraged, do not share your report with any other student (academic integrity).
        Missing Work Cited Page = 20 points automatic deduction


    1.    In review of the book: Can you find specific examples to support the thesis that the American cotton market has dominated the world market by ducking the labor markets? Are subsidies the only reason America has dominated the global cotton industry for 200 years? What other factors (technologies, efficiencies, processes, etc.) create an environment for US cotton to be in the top 5 countries in the world market?
    2.    Good-bye T-Shirt!  Once a T-Shirt is recycled, often discarded at Goodwill or the Salvation Army- explain in detail what typically happens to used T-Shirts in the US that are in poor condition when they are donated to charity.  If the clothing is in wearable condition, why does the US export used clothing instead of just reselling all in the US second-hand market? Where do these T-Shirts go?  Explain why the author states that Mutimba is the one component that most closely reflects the free market system in review of the entire life-span of the t-shirt.  Mention the possible positives and negatives of Mitumbas impact in African countries.
    3.    The title of chapter 6 is The Long Race to the Bottom. Describe what this means.  Some points to consider in developing your answer:  Who wins and who loses?  Is losing always a bad thing?  Who wants to be a winner in the race?  What is usually the result of being a winner in this race, short-term, and long-term?  Use specific examples from the book. 
    4.    Sisters in Time:  Who are the Sisters? What do they have in common over the generations and across many countries? (Chapter 7) 
        Provide a compelling argument for why it is best for people to choose to stay on the farm. 
        Next, provide a compelling argument why it is best for people to choose to go to the city and work in a factory/mill. 
        Be sure to site the book for quotations. 
    5.  Unintended consequences.  Unintended consequences are outcomes that are not the ones foreseen and/or intended by an action. Unintended consequences can result in; an unexpected positive, unexpected drawback, and/or perverse result (when an intended positive solution makes a problem worse).  In the book we see many examples of unintended consequences of:
        political policy and action,
        protectionist policy and action,
        company, industry, consumer,
        and worker actions
    throughout history that resulted in unintended consequences.  Cover one policy or action by any group noted in the book and discuss the intended purpose of the action and what at least one of the unintended consequences was/is. 

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