Any topic (writer’s choice)

    Using the Solo 1 data provided, use analytic methods to (1) develop a segmentation scheme, (2) profile the segments in your scheme, and (3) interpret your results in terms of marketing implications and actions.

    A maximum of seven (7) pages, all inclusive, in a pdf file.  You can do without a title page or an executive summary.  Be sure to number your pages.

    See the assignment description, data, and questionnaire draft attached below.

    Submit to this link.  Make sure your last name is at the beginning of the file name, and that the file name includes “solo-1.”

    Here are materials for the Solo 1 assignment in three files:

    The file Predict450Solo1ProjectDescription.pdfPreview the document describes what you need to do.

    The file apphappy-quex.pdf Preview the documentsummarizes survey questionnaire items used to collect the data.

    apphappyDtata.RData is an R data file that includes two R “objects.”  See the assignment information for addiitonal information.

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