Any topic (writer’s choice)

    the first pdf is how to do perfect Primary Source analysis.
    The other pdfs are about the article which you should analyze and write about.
    Also, it includes the questions you should answer.
    each  Primary Source should be 1/5 page.

    What is the author(s) agenda here? What bias/prejudice influences their perspective? What evidence from the documents/historical context makes you think so?
    Search entries or author

    here how to grade :
    7 points: Students submit a response to the PSA prompt by the assigned deadline.

    8 points: Students submit a response by the assigned deadline that attempts to answer
    at least one of the two main questions on agenda and bias.

    9 points: Students submit a response by the deadline that answers both of the two main
    questions on agenda and bias.

    10 points: Students submit a response by the deadline, that answers both main questions, and provides at least one piece of cited evidence to support their response.

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