Any topic (writer’s choice)

    response to Kim Iryop, see general information for grading criteria.
    (Reflections of a Zen Buddhist Nun: Essays by Zen Master Kim Iryop)
    description of assignment:

    Students will critically engage the readings in four response papers (minimum length of 300 words). A minimum of two sources is required. For each response paper, choose one quote from the course reading, give the full citation of the quote, explain the quote and its relevance for the respective topic. Develop a coherent argument from your sources and try to articulate an insight that came to you in the process of your reading.

    A good paper focuses on one main thesis, which it introduces in a separate introduction and systematically develops in the main body of the paper. If you have any questions consult the instructor or a writing manual at the reference desk of the library. Academic citation of quotations and a separate bibliography are required.

    First drafts and revisions PRIOR to the due date are encouraged.

    Grading: Assuming that the response paper fulfills the formal requirements of academic work, following criteria apply: (1) format, (2) content (the paper is factually correct and relates to the reading in question), (3) development (the paper develops one idea systematically), (4) the paper formulates one insight (an application or an illustration of the idea of your choice). A: 4/4, B: 3/4, C: 2/4, D: 1/4.

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