Advanced Pathophysiology

    ***Please write 1-1.5 pages for the prompt and the mini case study. Please include 2-3 references from scholarly journals or sources for the prompt and the care study. Must be latest and up-to-date references/sources, nothing greater than 5 years old.***

    Discuss the following prompt:
    1.) Both volvulus and intussusception involve structural obstructions of the ileum and/or colon. Explain the difference between these two types of obstruction. What is the result of either type of obstruction?

    Discuss the below Mini Case Study:
    2.) The prevalence of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is increasing throughout the world.  Clinically, acute infections are infrequently recognized because most patients experience minimal symptoms or are often asymptomatic.  However, the vast majority of HCV- infected individuals become chronically infected.  Advanced Practice Nurses must be able to identify patients at risk for HCV.

    a.) Explain the pathophysiologic processes involved in this disorder and explain how this infection may go undetected for many years.
    b.) Describe the laboratory tests (including test results interpretation) used to diagnose and differentiate acute versus chronic infection.  Include what tests are needed (and why) to manage a patient receiving treatment.  Make sure to include the molecular and genotyping testing.
    c.) Using current pathophysiological knowledge regarding HCV, explain how the current treatments for this viral infection eliminate the infection. Include cure rates for the various treatment modalities.

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