Abnormal Psychology Case Study diagnosis essay

    Essay needs to be between 3-4 pages. Essentially you will be writing a 3 part diagnosis of a case study example. I will attach further instructions in files below and if you have any questions you are welcome to email me. It needs to be completely original and I will attach the rubric as well. It needs to hit all the marks using the correct terms and in depth explanations. I will put my name and ID number after the essay completion. Attached below is the directions for the assignment and then the case study example and the patients specific situation followed by the critical thinking questions that should be implemented in the essay. I also provided screenshots of the rubric so you know what expectations you need to meet. Lastly I provided screenshots of an example of the assignment you are you are doing. So it is another students essay so you know how to form it somewhat but it is based off another case study. Dont take anything directly from that essay. References need to be provided at the bottom. If you need sources to get information from I can try and help.

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