Leadership Response

    Each reply must be 275 words, be written in current APA formatting, and must be supported by assigned course assigned reading and/or biblical references.

    The spectrum of leadership displays several outlays in terms of individual traits, influence, behavior, role relationship, and effect on the organizational culture (Van Wart, 2014). Regardless of angle, leadership is a collective responsibility of organizing the factors of production towards a common goal. It is the act of motivating, influencing, and consolidating where necessary to achieve strategic aspirations (Jafe-Walter, 2018). The consistent but stable display is resistant to situational challenges and always offer reflective merits. For decades, the debate has always been whether leadership is innate or acquired (Van Wart, 2014). Some scholars believe leaders undergo a rigorous and professional process that churn the best into the various leadership positions. Others consider the argument fallacious. They believe leadership is genetically transferred.
    According to the social cognitive theory, human behavior is directly hinged on the immediate environment. Paying attention to leadership, for example, leaders are made from the environment. They can either learn or observe. Arguably, leaders evolve and stand out in different good things (Van Wart, 2014). They create solutions, offer help, innovate, and become relevant where other fail. Steve Jobs, for instance, is a revolutionary leader and investor credited for developing Apple products. Apart of inventing the product, Steve Jobs has demonstrated exemplary leadership qualities. Far from the notion that leaders need extraordinary training to oversee such spectacular investments, Jobs started with zero training and grew progressively to become one of the global icons (Jafe-Walter, 2018). Bill Gates represents yet another revolutionary leader who despite dropping from college comfortably built a billion dollar Software Company. These two leaders demonstrate.

    The Christian calling to political involvement is difficult at times. I have known many leaders and managers who lead as Christians and have differing political views than myself; they were not conservative but loved as Jesus does. This isn’t easy when you approach a setting within a workforce. Political involvement and Christianity are usually kept from conversation unless you genuinely know the person you are conversing with. This is sad for today’s day in age, but protection for one’s job is essential. Political stances can hinder Christianity because it can keep one from interacting with someone else. The Christian calling to political involvement means that we have a calling not to be afraid to share the love of Jesus and his calling for our people. In today’s time, it is tough to follow the calling of Jesus, the Christian calling due to the political climate. I believe that it would be a different situation in our current political environment if we all follow a Christian calling within our political environment. Often I find that people are economically conservative and socially liberal. I cannot dispute that one is better than the other.

    On the other hand, it is essential that politically we follow Jesus’ commandments. I say that I try to remind everyone within the workforce and leave people better than you find them. Doing this to me ensures that the biblical perspective of Jesus is implemented without me having to risk my position. One bible verse that assists me with leadership is Psalm 32:8 “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” To me, this means that I am not alone in my walk with employees and staff. I rely heavily on my Christian faith to maintain my day to day routines.

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