Disease Process

    Introduce the disease with a brief definition and description. 1 slide
    Discuss theRisk Factorsand the connection to theEtiologyof the initial injury to the cell/tissue/organ. 2 slides
    Show the progression from theinitial injury to the defectin the tissue, organ and system functioning. 2-3
    Discuss health care provider implications for prevention of the disease. 2-3
    Provide a summary slide that highlights main points presented. 1
    Reference slide and in-text citations depict references correctly cited according to APA.

    Format Criteria: 

    The presentation should include a PowerPoint presentation that contains detailed speaker notes.
    The presentation contain main heading slides that address the assignment criteria listed above.
    The presentation should contain appropriate evidence to support the information presented per APA format.
    Slides should be used as cues to topics and key concepts without lengthy sentences and paragraphs
    The presentation should contain a reference slide with all sources written in APA format

    PowerPoint Tips to ensure a professional and organized presentation: 

    All font types, size, and color should be the same throughout the presentation
    The Title slide should contain: student name, course, professor and title of the presentation
    Avoid putting too much information in the slides. Use bullets to highlight main points and then use speaker notes to provide more specifics related to the slide content
    The use of pictures and figures are encouraged, however, avoid overcrowding the slides with pictures and figures
    Follow the rubric requirements in chronological order to ensure an organized flow of content
    Use proper background color so there is good contrast between font color and background

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