Video, Industry Perceptions of IS/IT Strategies

    In a 2-3 page paper, explain the IS/IT strategies involved in the case study.

    -What roles and positions were involved in the innovations and disruptions within the industry?
    -Who are the key stakeholders?
    -What are the perceptions of the stakeholders?
    -How do these new innovations impact the management and governance of the information systems involved?
    -Would you recommend adding additional positions to enhance the security and protection of the information systems?
    -What are some other recommendations you would provide if you were a CIO within an organization wanting to deploy new innovations?
    -How would these recommendations be incorporated within your own IT Strategic Management Plan?

    2-3 Pages, not including the Title Page and References. (No abstract is required.)
    Current APA format
    Cite all references

    ***Below our the links to the two videos provided to choose from***

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