4 discussion

    In 100-200 words, respond to the following prompt:

    What stands out to you as the most interesting, surprising, or disturbing aspect of community corrections? You can include links to websites, articles, videos, podcasts, or other information if you would like!


    Module 4 examines the topic of assessment and risk prediction. Understanding how these processes fit into the larger scheme of community corrections is important, because assessment and risk prediction guide both determinations of the types of services and programs to provide to people under supervision, and the level of “risk” they present.

    We’ll begin by defining what we mean by risk in the context of community corrections.

    I suggest you complete the module in the following order:

    1) Read Essentials of Community Corrections, Chapter 3, “Assessment and Risk Prediction”

    2) Watch the segment “Risk Assessment Tool Helps Probation Officers:

    Risk Assessment Tool Helps Probation Officers (Links to an external site.)
    Risk Assessment Tool Helps Probation Officers

    3) Read and listen to the Powerpoint presentation:

    Module 4 Posted.pptxPreview the document

    4) Read the article “The Problems with Risk Assessment Tools,” Chelsea Barabas, Karthik Dinakar and Colin Doyle, The New York Times,  2019


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